Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Part 2 of 2 is now underway

     Finally, Phase 2 of 2 as started. I'm starting with the helix so that I can get the heights right. The way I did it was easy for now. I printed a section of the helix, which is a double track being fed from 2 sides. It was equivalent to 1/4 of the helix.


      I then used it as a template to cut all my pieces needed. I was able to fit 11 of them per 4 x 8 sheets.

     I then assembled 4 of them to form a level and am now installing the road bed and tracks on each one of them.

     When done, I will bring them down to the layout and assemble them in place and finish installing the road bed and tracks to the connecting joints.

     The following step will be the staging area and then the top layer with the yard and downtown. Lots of work ahead, so I'll probably be busy till year end.
